Search an Oddity:

Monday, September 19, 2011

Goodwill Ranting

Goodwill and Ranting : Two very different words, worlds apart, and yet they seem to blend so beautifully in some specific situations ( which we will come to, obviously! ) .

Friday, June 24, 2011

Simplicity?? What the hell is that?

"Cowards die many times before their deaths, The valiant never taste of death but once."
Many of you rememeber this quote from William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. Whether you go by it, I won't like to speculate.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Third Realm

All of us have been at crossroads at some point of time. You should know by now, not to take my words literally ( Doing that=BIG mistake ).

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Mood Swings. Well, almost!

Let's face it. It happens to all of us. One minute we are laughing at the lamest of jokes ( please, people, no pointing! ) and the next moment, even a hug won't cheer us up.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Here is Shubham Gangopadhyay with another of his unique contributions. This time, it's about the thoughts that "happen" to the brain and how to deal with them. Another interesting read, this one.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Cryptomnesia, a memory bias, is a true bane for authors in particular; but basically for anyone who has to earn his/her daily bread by thinking up original ideas.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


 Change is fundamental. You should try it some time.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Many of you may be wondering about the title. Aquiline, according to the all-knowing-book ( also known as the dictionary ), is defined as: of, relating to, or having the characteristics of an eagle.

I don't know why this particular topic came into my head, but since it has arrived, I can't let it go, can I? Aren't we all fascinated by that solitary spot in the sky, gliding through the air and almost slicing the atmosphere into countless layers?

Well, I am. And, with it, the raw power that it represents. You don't want to be the thing that is going to be swooped down on and carried away in a split second by the machine-like claws, believe me. You'd rather get hit by a car and get it over with.

Also, I'm amazed by the precision this bird has. It'll pin point a location and reach within centimeters of the required location in a flash. It seems like it has a GPS tracking service installed in itself.

The characteristic that I'm most impressed by is the way it keeps to the highest of the skies and keeps on gliding for huge distances without stopping; as if it has been sent here to keep a watch over all of us. The lonely paratrooper who observes everything going on down there, all the while doing a pretty fine job of appearing the handsome bird it is.

I salute the solitary supervisor; do you?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Re: Touching Twenty

Here's Shubham Gangopadhyay's take on "Touching Twenty". Quite an interesting read, this one.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Touching Twenty

With many of us being at the foothills of Mount Twenty, we look back on our innocent childhood and our not-so-innocent teens. The teenage years are about to end and we are going to be called ( ughhh.... ) over-the-hill.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Being a Bong.......

Yes, being a Bengali ( Bangali ) in this oh-so-wonderful world isn't such a difficult thing to do. Staying a Bengali, though, takes a little more effort. ( Readers thinking this to be regionalistic can suck their thumbs and write their own blogs. )

Saturday, March 5, 2011


This piece is a contribution from Shubham Gangopadhyay ( Oh boy, I hope I got the name right!) and let's just say that quite a few adjectives you use to describe yourself will be gunned down. So,here goes.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Opinions Galore

Yes. This post is about the huge number of opinions this world generates everyday, which are chiefly responsible for the heated debates ( used in the lightest sense ) we see around us.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ethics and The Confused Soul

These days, ethics may not play an important role in our world but you can't blame people randomly for being unethical. Ethics, according to me, is a relative term, as every person has a different perspective and almost all of them are confused!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

From Social Evils to Social Imps

I was browsing through the news in my cocoon of apparent security when I came across this:

The word 'pathetic' was imprinted across my brain, in bold.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Quest for the Elusive Grail


An urban quest for an elusive restaurant fills me up with the zeal to be determined in life. Weird, huh? It's just the tip of the iceberg. Bank on it.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

India Calling

Here's another article from the author of "Honour Killings". Call centers do look like an easy way to fast cash but knowing it inside out requires a first-hand experience. So here's more, from the fingers of an ex-cce (call center employee).

Friday, February 18, 2011

Shots of Humour

Humour : a word which almost the whole world is familiar with. Something that is funny to one person may not be so for someone else. I bet we've all been in the situation when you crack a joke while in a group, and everyone turns to you and just keeps staring, as if you're their next meal.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Mechanic Who Did Too Much

A very efficient hit man teams up with a not-so-efficient apprentice, to give us a one and a half hour adrenaline driven lukewarm thriller.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Traffic in Chennai (or The Killer Brigade)

Hmm... I'm sure the Chennaites who read this won't agree (word used in the sweetest sense possible) with me; but the traffic in this city makes me want to get hit by traffic in Kolkata, which would be a lot less painful.

Monday, February 14, 2011

V Day

Here I am, back from a road trip, to capture the spirit of this rather unusual day.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


They do know what to say to customers!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Joke in the Name of "Customer Care"

The "customer care", as the companies term the "no service" division nowadays, has bugged many a soul.

The infamous "your call is important to us, please stay on the line" has taken all of us on a ride at some point of time, at least once. If the call is so important, why don't you pick up the call, damn it!

A friend of mine went to the customer relationship center and asked about mobile number portability. He had already asked about the time it would take for the whole process to be completed, and that was about 7 days. When he asked at the center, the answer he got was VERY different. 20 days is a big deal, at least to us, if not for those agents.

So, when you want to inquire about something, it would be better to go to the recharge shop than call the customer care!

Note:- Didn't put a lot of time into this post!

Friday, February 11, 2011

On Campus Vs. Off Campus Vs. Home

From the author that brought us "Honour Killings", here's more. It'll probably help you out too, to make up your mind. Happy reading....

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The True Pal

There always is that one person with whom you can share everything that comes to your mind. He/she may not necessarily be akin to you, or even have a similar personality.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Second Life

You may as well have guessed what I'm going to write about this time.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bringing Down The Bar-----Attention Seeking

Hmmmm........ Social conduct..... Keeping it clean is not very difficult; but with the advent of compulsive attention-seekers, the world has become sheer ugly. Well, at least the environment I live in, has.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

Downfall of Support

Maintaining a backing, or support, for yourself is a tricky concept.You cannot promise much if you want to remain true to yourself, and on the other hand, you cannot say, "Choose me, and then we'll see if I can do anything." Maintaining a balance between these two extreme possibilities is not just anyone's cup of tea, which is what brings down the stronghold of even the most successful of individuals or parties.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Honour Killings

This is a blog post by a friend of mine, and frankly, I find it quite relevant to today's worrying world. Find out the lighter side of honour killings!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Anger and Flying Hands

A lot of perseverance has to go in to control your anger.Otherwise,your popularity quotient becomes as low as a deep trench (pardon the analogy!).
Anger is just one of the emotions which comes to us naturally;but with a little help from the human brain (which differentiates us from the lower primates:monkeys,apes and baboons),it can be curbed to quite an extent.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"What's your problem,huh?"

There's a thin line between being a sport and blowing your top when sarcasm or just plain humour is directed at you.That line is,I found out today,five prods at one's complex.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Ignorance is Bliss

There is a friend of mine who is probably the most ignorant person you'll ever meet.I mean,I asked her,"Who was the owner of Microsoft?" Her answer was,"I don't remember." I thought maybe she had drawn a blank.So,I went on to ask,"Who's Steve Jobs,by the way?" Her reply:"Who's that?Never heard of him." [Sorry,Mr. Jobs;this must have hurt your ego big time.]

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Nursery Rhymes done up a bit differently

Here are a few.I bet your mother overlooked these while reciting rhymes to you:

SIMPLE SIMON met a Pieman
Going to the fair
Said Simple Simon to the Pieman
"What have you got there?"
Said the Pieman unto Simon
"Pies, you dumbass!"

GEORGIE PORGY Pudding and Pie
Kissed the girls and made them cry.
When the boys came out to play
He kissed them too 'because he's gay.

Her father shot it dead
Now it goes to school with her
Between two hunks of bread.

[Extra!] Branded alloys on rickshaws!!

Can't afford a car?Follow this rickshaw's proud owner.
Get yourself an alloy!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Garment Store!

Nice name for a garment store,huh??

French it up!

Our French teacher is a bit on the gullible side.There have been lots of stuff that we have fed her over the months and she continues to believe them.
One such standalone statement is that a certain Brock Lesnar is an up and coming politician about to replace Sarkozy.Carla wouldn't be happy at all.
One of my friends found an apt origin for the teacher:the ugly duckling on viagra!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Today's 2nd Quirk

My friend and I had to go to Vadapalani for a bit of work.On our way back,we decided to take the bus.Not spotting the bus stand,we went down a couple of blocks where two security guards (probably under the effect of alcohol) were sitting.
We asked them if they knew where we could get a bus.One of them,very politely,put his hand on my shoulder and told me,"Sit.I'll bring it soon." Needless to say,we bolted out of there and down the way until we found the bus stop.

Today's Quirk

This photo was taken in front of a busy intersection in the heart of the city Durgapur.Wonder how the company is actually faring??