Search an Oddity:

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Second Life

You may as well have guessed what I'm going to write about this time.

 Facebook and all the other social networking sites were made to connect one person to another; but people misunderstood the purpose and connected themselves to the sites!!

It has literally become their first life! What happens in reality for us, is just second life to them. The farms, mafia gangs, the aquarium and the frontiers would just disintegrate without their care and intervention; and if they put a stop to the constant uploading of self-obsessed photos and videos then they would cease to exist in their first life!

What irritates me though, is that whether or not the users are cool in real life, they are hip on facebook, with shades on their eyes and a pose to go with it. Add a comment, something that disagrees with the person's viewpoint, and it is immediately deleted. Go against the person, and he/she deletes you from their account itself! What's the use, anyway? If you have to see the person and come face to face everyday, then what's the point of deleting on facebook?

It's high time people learned that those sites are basically communication tools and sitting at them for twenty four hours a day isn't going to bring Mark Zuckerberg down here!

1 comment:

  1. "You may as well have guessed what I'm going to write about this time." --- Frankly I didn't. I thought initially that this post was about the popular web-based game "Second Life". What I expected to find was pretty much the same though, and I couldn't agree more that attention seekers are on the rise and need to be shot on the head! Can't stand the presence of these "billions of blue blistering barnacles"! A perfect description.

    P.S. To improve the readability, you could do without some of the background colors. You could put up a more soothing theme. Will attract greater attention,if you're an attention seeker; if you know what I mean! J'aime;what a blog!
