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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Opinions Galore

Yes. This post is about the huge number of opinions this world generates everyday, which are chiefly responsible for the heated debates ( used in the lightest sense ) we see around us.

We <sarcasm> human beings </sarcasm> have to have opinions; and, with that, the ever-growing need to convince <heavysarcasm> other human beings </heavysarcasm> to follow our footprints in stead of someone else's. Without all that, half of the world's population would lose their motivation towards life. ( India's listening in, I guess. )

It starts with a casual remark about a particular subject by the sayer. There's always a sayee ( sayer and sayee it is, then ) looking to pick a verbal fight with the sayer. Then you see them transform magnificently ( not unlike a transformer ) into two untrained dogs barking and going at throats. You stand there and chuckle. Beware, don't chuckle too hard. You don't want your chuckle to be the new topic of discussion, do you?

Be opinionated. That is hardly the trouble; but when a person rebounds with his/her own theories and tries to convince the person in front, it gets absolutely intolerable. Your mouthing "different people, different views" falls to deaf ears and then kicks in the phase where you have to be stoic. Accept everything, deny nothing and don't even dream of making counter-accusations. That's the way to avoid the risk of losing your hearing. <background> Why would someone lose his ability to hear while listening to an opinion? .... Are you losing your hearing? .... No, right? .... So, are you convinced you are wrong? .... So, you ........ </background> Well, my services are needed somewhere else. You heard all the background noise? Time for stoicism. PEACE!

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