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Friday, January 28, 2011

French it up!

Our French teacher is a bit on the gullible side.There have been lots of stuff that we have fed her over the months and she continues to believe them.
One such standalone statement is that a certain Brock Lesnar is an up and coming politician about to replace Sarkozy.Carla wouldn't be happy at all.
One of my friends found an apt origin for the teacher:the ugly duckling on viagra!


  1. is there a single day wen she doesnt fall fr anything u guys say!??? :P

  2. Apparently she gives tutuion for french any1 interested....?????

  3. What is Sam doing? Has he already taken a nap? Where from does he get these crazy ideas? Had I been Sam, I would have done no such thing! It's a foolish thing to do, going about telling tales about tails on monkeys and tails in coins. Can't seem how Sam is managing! I mean how does he get the hang of things? Odd, if you ask me. Good thing though that it made sense and stuck and that everything fitted. My regards to you Sam. Keep up with your "Alessandro" type of job!

  4. @pagla Why are you anonymous with your criticism?Show yourself.Let people know why I ask this question,"What's your problem,huh?"

  5. It's an encouragement to continue with your fine job. I didn't criticise! Keep up with the good work.

  6. Hey, in the first post, it should have been "see" instead of "seem".

  7. Don't mind if I don't publish the other comment!
